Now Available

A 200 page printed Intellectual Property Analysis (including Resource Appendices on CD ROM) is now available from Tom Bakos Consulting, Inc.  This analysis addresses the content and quality of Lincoln's patents and patent applications.  It will be a very helpful learnig resource for anyone interested or concerned about the potential impact of Lincon's IP in the insurance industry.

  • Lincoln National Life Insurance Company has three patents (one awaiting issue) and two additional pending patent applications all addressing Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (GMWB) type benefits.
  • Lincoln is asserting its patent rights by suing two competitors (Transamerica & Jackson National Life Insurance Companies) for infringing two of its patents.
  • This situation should make the inventions claimed by Lincoln in these patents of great interest - at least among insurers offering GMWBs or planning to do so.

What is Offered
This Intellectual Property Analysis is intended to provide detail on the inventions claimed by Lincoln and an analysis on the effectiveness of the claims made from the point of view of a person of ordinary skill in the art of the claimed invention, i.e. annuities and payouts made from annuities.  It is intended that this analysis will be helpful to a better understanding of the IP for anyone with an interest in better understanding the claimed inventions.

Availablility and Price
The Intellectual Property Analysis is delivered as a 200 page printed document with additional resource material suppled on a CD ROM. It analizes 15 independent claims and the specification language from which these claims were drawn. 

The price of the Intellectual Property Analysis  is: $9,500

Click the ORDER button for details on how to acquire this Analysis.  
Click the CONTENT button for more information about the Analysis.

The Exercise of Ordinary Skill

Tom Bakos, FSA, MAAA has 40 + years of experience in the life insurance industry working as an actuary.   For the past 7 years he has focused his practice  on innovative product development and the protection of intellectual property in the insurance and broader financial services industries.

Tom is an inventor and has worked with inventors and patent agents in drafting effective patent applications that meet the disclosure requirements of U.S. patent law and regulation.

Tom has also provided continuing education to patent examiners by teaching classes on insurance subjects in the USPTO offices. 

Ordinary skill
is a standard applied to determine if adequate disclosure has been provided in a patent application.  That is, an inventor, among other things, must disclose clearly and concisely, providing enough detail and exactness, how to make and use the invention he or she is claiming in order to receive a patent.. 

In this offered Intellectual Property Analisis , Tom has applied "ordinary skill" to determine whether or not that requirement has been met.  This report measures the disclosure provided by the applicant against the requirements of: enablement; non-obviousness; and indefiniteness.