Insurance IP Bulletin
An Information Bulletin on Intellectual Property activities in the insurance industry

A Publication of - Tom Bakos Consulting, Inc. and Markets, Patents and Alliances, LLC
August 2009

VOL: 2009.4
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Publisher Contacts
Tom Bakos Consulting, Inc.
Tom Bakos: (970) 626-3049

Markets, Patents and Alliances, LLC
Mark Nowotarski: (203) 975-7678

Complete contact information.

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Patent Q & A

Pendency Rates in Class 705 – Business Methods

Question: How long is it going to take to get through the examination process in class 705?    

Disclaimer:The answer below is a discussion of typical practices and is not to be construed as legal advice of any kind. Readers are encouraged to consult with qualified counsel to answer their personal legal questions.

Answer: Probably longer than you might hope but not as long as last year. 

Details:  The USPTO has seen improvements in pendency in class 705 applications in a number of areas.  As reported at the 7/15/2009 Business Methods Partnership Meeting, the USPTO has reported a Pendency to First Action of 31.6 months in early 2009.  This is a significant reduction (i.e. an improvement) from mid-year 2008 when this pendency was 41.4 months.

As of mid-year 2009 Pendency to Issue/Abandonment is 46.1 months down from 56.3 months as of mid-year 2008.


There are a number of reasons for these improvements per Wynn Coggins, Director, Technology Center 3600:


·         Hiring and improved examiner retention in the patent office has resulted in an increase in examiners in Technology Center 3600 – 328 in Fiscal Year 2009 vs. 300 in 2008 and 260 in 2007. 

·         Examiners are, therefore, focused more on new applications than with assisting with inherited dockets.

·         It also appears the examination has been streamlined due to fewer claims per application.

Also, an emphasis over the past few years on interviews and telephone conferences has resulted in a quicker identification of allowable subject matter.


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Supreme Court to Hear In re Bilski: An Executive Briefing and Outlook

Date and Time: Tuesday, June 30th, 2009, 2:00–2:30 p.m. EDT

Description: In a case closely watched by the financial services, software, medical and other industries, the U.S. Supreme Court will review the In re Bilski ruling that denied a patent for a method of hedging in commodities trading.  In re Bilski largely disavowed the controversial 1998 State Street Bank decision where the Federal Circuit opened a floodgate for business method patents.  According to its detractors, State Street had led to the issuance of weak patents and exposed financial services companies to high-dollar litigation over business method patents.  Now the future of business method patents and processes is at stake when the Supreme Court hears In re Bilski during its next term.

Raymond Millien of The PCT® Companies and Michael Lasinski of Capstone Valuation Services – both recently named to IAM’s inaugural list of the world’s top IP strategists – discuss how the In re Bilski decision has affected the IP marketplace, including:

·         Case Background

·         Summary of Recent Court Cases

·         Speculations on how the Supreme Court will decide

·         Effect on valuation of banks, hi-tech firms and start-ups 

About the Speakers:

Raymond Millien is the Founder and Chairman of The PCT® Companies – the nation’s only integrated provider of Intellectual Property-based public policy, strategic management and monetization advisory services.  Prior to PCT, Mr. Millien was General Counsel of Ocean Tomo, and VP and Group IP Counsel at American Express Company.

Michael J. Lasinski is a Managing Director at Capstone Valuation Services, LLC. He has over fourteen years experience in business and intellectual property valuation, strategic due-diligence, and litigation consulting.  Prior to Capstone, Mr. Lasinski was a Managing Director at Ocean Tomo, LLC and Vice President in Charles River Associates’ Intellectual Property practice.


An Update on Current Patent Activity

The table below provides the latest statistics in overall class 705 and subclass 4. The data shows issued patents and published patent applications for this class and subclass.



Subclass 4 is used to identify claims in class 705 which are related to: Insurance (e.g., computer implemented system or method for writing insurance policy, processing insurance claim, etc.).

Issued Patents

In class 705/4, 12 new patents have been issued since 2/24/2009 for a total of 20 in 2009 so far.  Patents are issued on Tuesdays each week.          

Patents are categorized based on their claims.  Some of these newly issued patents, therefore, may have only a slight link to insurance based on only one or a small number of the claims therein. 

The Resources section provides a link to a detailed list of these newly issued patents.

Published Patent Applications

In class 705/4, 48 new patent applications have been published since 2/26/2009 for a total of 880so far in 2009.  Patent applications are published on Thursdays each week.

The Resources section provides a link to a detailed list of these newly published patent applications.

Again, a reminder -

Patent applications have been published 18 months after their filing date only since March 15, 2001.  Therefore, there are many pending applications that are not yet published.  A conservative estimate would be that there are, currently, close to 250 new patent applications filed every 18 months in class 705/4.   

The published patent applications included in the table above are not reduced when applications are issued as patents, rejected, or abandoned.  Therefore, the table only gives an indication of the number of patent applications currently pending.


Recently published issued U.S. Patents and U.S. Patent Applications with claims in class 705/4.

The following are links to web sites which contain information helpful to understanding intellectual property.

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) : Homepage -

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) : Patent Application Information Retrieval -

Free Patents Online -

US Patent Search -

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) -

Patent Law and Regulation -

Here is how to call the USPTO Inventors Assistance Center:

  • Dial the USPTO’s main number, 1 (800) 786-9199.
  • At the first prompt press 2.
  • At the second prompt press 4.
  • You will then be connected to an operator.
  • Ask to be connected to the Inventor’s Assistance Center.
  • You will then listen to a prerecorded message before being connected to a person who can help you.

The following links will take you to the authors’ websites

Mark Nowotarski - Patent Agent services

Tom Bakos, FSA, MAAA - Actuarial services



In this issue’s feature article, Mark Nowotarski addresses the cost implications of inefficient patent examination in the U.S. which delays the granting of protections to inventions which have the potential to save American consumers billions of dollars.  Mark uses the currently pending Bilski patent application as a prime example. 


In our Patent Q/A we post reasons to have some confidence that patent examination, at least time wise, is becoming more efficient in the business methods Technology Center.


The Statistics section updates the current status of issuedUS patents and published patent applications in the insurance class (i.e. 705/004).  We also provide a link to the Insurance IP Supplement with more detailed information on recently published patent applications and issued patents.

Our mission is to provide our readers with useful information on how intellectual property in the insurance industry can be and is being protected – primarily through the use of patents.  We will provide a forum in which insurance IP leaders can share the challenges they have faced and the solutions they have developed for incorporating patents into their corporate culture.

Please use the FEEDBACK link to provide us with your comments or suggestions.  Use QUESTIONS for any inquiries.  To be added to the Insurance IP Bulletin e-mail distribution list, click on ADD ME.  To be removed from our distribution list, click on REMOVE ME.


Tom Bakos & Mark Nowotarski


Bernard Bilski and the Cost to America of a Failed Patent Examination

  By:   Mark Nowotarski, Patent Agent,Co-Editor, Insurance IP Bulletin


The failure of the examination of Bernard Bilski and Rand Warsaw’s patent application, “Energy Risk Management Method”, has cost American consumers billions of dollars in financial stability over the past decade.  The examination was a “failure” because it has dragged on since 1997 with no agreement between the applicant and USPTO as to what, if anything is patentable.  In the meantime, the development of a very promising new energy billing process, Fixed Bill pricing, has been hampered by the need to keep the underlying financial innovations secret until if, and when, the inventors can get adequate patent protection.


The story of the Bilski/Warsaw invention goes back to the heady days of utility deregulation in the early 90’s.  Bernard and Rand were employed by the Equitable Gas Company, a regional energy company in the Pittsburg area.  Bernard was the head of the Natural Gas Division.[1]  Rand was the director of corporate planning.[2]    They had an idea for how to bring stability to the average consumer’s energy bill.  They called it “Fixed Bill pricing”.


Energy consumption goes up and down year to year largely due to variations in weather.  If it’s a cold winter, both consumption and prices go up.  If it’s a warm winter, both consumption and prices go down.  These fluctuations can cause financial instability in large organizations and genuine hardship among consumers.  Bernard and Rand thought they could hedge that risk if they could develop an efficient and reliable way to identify suitable counterparties.  These counterparties would be parties willing to bear the burden of consumers’ higher energy costs in cold winters in exchange for a payout from those same consumers in warm winters.  If Bernard and Rand could find counterparties, then they could offer consumers a guarantee that their total costs for energy (not just price per gallon) would be the same no matter what the weather did and no matter how much gas (or oil or electricity) they used.


They developed their product and evaluated it with a local school district in 1995.   They then filed a provisional patent application on April 16, 1996 and a nonprovisional patent application in 1997.  That patent application not only described the overall concept, but went into significant detail on how to select suitable counterparties[3] (Monte Carlo simulation based on regional weather patterns). 


Bernard Bilski and Rand Warsaw then dedicated themselves to bringing their product to market.  The left Equitable Gas, formed their own company, WeatherWise USA, and negotiated a license to the patent application[4] from Equitable.  They then designed a variety of Fixed Bill products and licensed them to a number of regional energy companies, such as Nicor, Duke Energy, and Wisconsin Public Service.


It has been a bumpy road and having to keep the details of their invention a secret because they have been unable obtain adequate patent protection has hurt.


When they and their licensees brought the product to market, some regions were hit with a string of unusually warm winters.  Consumers were upset because their bills were repeatedly higher than others not on the plan. They complained…loudly… to their State’s Attorneys General (AGs).  The AGs in turn, demanded to know the details of the invention to make sure WeatherWise was being honest in its calculations.  As Minnesota’s Attorney General, Lori Swanson, put it[5]:


“The Commission should not permit the underlying mechanisms of these programs to remain shrouded in secrecy. If the programs cannot be operated with transparency, they should not operate at all.”


WeatherWise provided all of the information they could, but when it came to disclosing the core of their proprietary methods, a core that could easily be copied when it was made public, a core which the USPTO and the Courts have been unwilling to grant a patent on because our 19th century vintage patent examination process can’t deal with an invention that isn’t “tied to a particular machine”, they had no choice but to draw the line.  As Rand put it in his response to the Minnesota AG[6]:


“To date, we have supplied the OAG with a complete flow chart of our modeling system along with a high level overview of our methodology….Our only concern, which has been stressed from the very beginning of this matter, is that any disclosure of our methods or modeling information to the public could diminish some or all of the value of our intellectual property.”


This is exactly the conflict that patents are designed to prevent.  Patents allow fledgling companies, like WeatherWise, to provide the disclosure necessary for the success of their inventions in the marketplace, without the fear of instant unauthorized copying by their competitors. 


It is sad and frustrating to see that the examination of the Bilski/Warsaw patent application has devolved to an argument of whether or not they should tie their methods to “a particular machine”.  The particular machine that these calculations are carried out on has little to do with the novelty, non-obviousness and most importantly, the usefulness of their invention.  It’s a financial product and patent protection for financial products should not be tied to “particular machines”


It remains to be seen how the Supreme Court will decide this case.  In the meantime, progress in the financial services industry will remain inhibited by the inability of financial innovators to get the timely and efficient patent protection they need.


[3] Because this patent application was filed in 1997, it wasn’t subject to publication in 18 months.  The USPTO has had to keep it a secret.  We only know about it now since the inventors provided a copy of it in their filings with the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit when they appealed their rejection. 

[4] A “license to a patent application”, means that when and if a patent issues from a pending patent application, the owner of the patent would not sue the licensee for infringement.
