Insurance IP Bulletin
An Information Bulletin on Intellectual Property activities in the insurance industry

A Publication of - Tom Bakos Consulting, Inc. and Markets, Patents and Alliances, LLC

Premier Issue: June 15, 2004 - VOL:2004.1
Feature Article:
Which Came First: The Chicken or the Patent?
by Frank Cuypers, IP Head, Group Intellectual Property, Swiss Re, Zurich

Patent Watch:
Don't Count on Copying Your Competitor's Great New product Ideas
The use of patents to protect intellectual property in the insurance industry is growing.

Patent Tech:
Sources of Information
Where to find information on patents and patent applications.

Patents in Action:
Story of a Reversionary Annuity
The story of patent #5,754,980.

Finding Innovation:
How Do You Know You've Invented Something?
Invention is a solution to a problem.

Second Issue: August 15, 2004 - VOL:2004.2

Feature Article:
Ignorance Will Be No Excuse
by Phil Hargrove, VP, Intellectual Asset Management, GE Employers Reinsurance Co., Kansas City, MO

Patent Watch:
AIG Joins the Patent Club
AIG gets their first internally generated patent issued.

Patent Tech:
Broad Thinking - Yes, But Will it Fly?
The Wright Bros. example.

Finding Innovation:
Can You Patent an Insurance Product?
Right now, you can't. Find out why.

  Third Issue: October 15, 2004 - VOL:2004.3
Feature Article:
The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Insurance Product Innovation
by Francois Gadenne, President and CEO, Retirement Engineering, Inc., Boston, MA and
Ben Williams, VP and Chief Technical Officer, Retirement Engineering, Inc. Boston, MA.

Patent Tech:
Why Does the Patent System Exist?
A comment from Charles Call, a patent agent from Yarmouth, MA.

Patent Watch:
Progressive Builds a Fortress of Patent Protection
Progressive Casualty Insurance Company's use of patents to protect its intellectual property.  

Patents in Action:
Why Isn't the World Beating a Path to My Door?
Guidelines on how individual inventors can market their inventive new insurance ideas. 

Fourth Issue: December 15, 2004 - VOL:2004.4
Feature Article:
Barbarians at the Gate
by Tom Bakos, FSA, MAAA - President, Tom Bakos Consulting, Inc.
Mark Nowatarski, Patent Agent, - President, MPA LLC

Patent Tech:
USPTO Examination Process for Business Method Patent Applications
A briefing on how the patent office handles patent applications.

Patent Watch:
Stable Value Protected Life Insurance - Update of Bancorp Patent
How Bancorp has kept its patent application involving stable value funds alive.  

Fifth Issue: February 15, 2005 - VOL:2005.1
Feature Article:
Direct Insurance Patents Could Trigger a Boom
by Mark Clare - President, Knowledge Dynamics and Director, Parkview Health

Patent Futures:
Alternate Risk Transfer - Finite Risk Hits the Boundaries of Insurance
Finite insurance has brought attention to the insurance industry

Patent (Pending) In Action:
No Charge Auto Insurance
A patent application for free car insurance.

Sixth Issue: April 15, 2005 - VOL:2005.02
Feature Article:
Lessons from a First Time Patent Applicant
by Matt Schoen- President, MB Schoen & Associates, Inc.

Patent Tech:
What Do Computers Do?
The Specification of a patent requires a written description of the patent to be clear, concise, and exact.  

Patent Value:
What's a Patent Worth?
A patent's value is derived from the fact that a patent gives the inventorthe right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the invention.

Seventh Issue: June 15, 2005 - VOL:2005.3
Feature Article:
Patent Trolls
by Tom Bakos

A somewhat humorous look at what a "patent troll" is all about. 

Patent Q&A:
Improving the efficiency of patent examination
Addresses the situation of business method patent examination in the USPTO.  

Patent Value:
Ignoring Patent Value
The monetizing of intellectual property, in general, and patents, in particular, has long been a subject of interest.  This article looks at the consequences of ignoring IP value.